
  • Console for budgeting and forecasting costs
  • Methods to optimize pricing—reduce overall AWS bill
  • Integrated closely with billing console

AWS Cost Explorer

  • Detailed, allocable cost data
  • View data for up to 12 months
  • Forecast for next 12 months
  • Recommendations on Reserved Instances
  • Free of charge

AWS Budgets

  • Track and take action on AWS costs and usage
  • Types:
    • Cost budgets
    • Usage budgets
    • Reserved Instances utilization budgets—alert when RI usage falls below threshold
    • Reserved Instances coverage budgets—alert when number of instance hours covered by RIs falls below threshold
    • Savings Plans utilization budgets—alert when Savings Plan usage falls below threshold
    • Savings Plans coverage budgets—alert when Savings Plan eligible usage falls below threshold
  • Examples:
    • Monthly cost with fixed amount within account—alert on actual and forecasted spends
    • Monthly cost with variable amount—e.g. each month growing 5%.
    • Budgets for a specific service—e.g. ensure staying within free tier
    • Daily utilization or coverage budget for Reserved Instances or savings plans—alert when utilization drops below e.g. 80%

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

  • Monitor cost and usage to detect unusual spends
  • Receive alerts via email or SNS
  • Determine root cause of anomaly
  • Configurable—analyze via service, account, tags, cost categories

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