
  • Orgs who deploy security analytics and ops in cloud—better positioned to provide secure infrastructure to the business
  • Chronicle pricing model + Google economies of scale = significant cost savings
    • For large orgs, 3.9-6x vs alternative cloud/on-prem platforms (3yr TCO analysis)


  • Vs 2yrs ago:
    • Threat landscape evolving rapidly
    • Orgs collect/process more security data today
    • Volume of security alerts has increased
    • Attack surface has increased
    • Difficult to keep up with security needs
    • Security ops based on manual processes
    • Gaps in tools
    • Skills shortages
    • Public cloud


  • Security analytics platform
  • Built on core Google infrastructure
  • Predictable pricing based on number of employees

Economic Validation

  • Traditional platforms—data volume-based pricing models
    • Costs increase proportionately to ever-growing volumes
  • Chronicle—employee-based pricing
    • Number of employees in org
    • Budget stability/predictability

“The Bigger Truth”

  • More data (i.e. more history)—orgs more likely to spot stealthy, slow-moving, long-lived threats and attacks
    • Benefit of decoupling licence from data volume


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