
  • Software defined storage
  • Clustered
  • OSD—object storage daemon
    • Lives on each server in the cluster
  • Scaling:
    • Vertical—add more drives to each server
    • Horizontal—add more servers

When to Consider

  • >20 TB
  • Problems with growing storage by just adding more servers:
    • Newest data goes onto the newest drives—this is also generally accessed the most frequently
      • Hot spots
    • Single points of failure

Ceph Clustering

  • Min. 3x servers
  • Manages storage in a single virtual space
  • Server failure domain—can lose a server
  • HA
  • Constant load balancing across storage nodes
    • Performances scales linearly as more drives added

Storage Pools


  • Built on top of Ceph
    • Virtual storage space
  • Can share:
    • File system
    • Block access (iSCSI)
    • Object storage (S3)

Data Security

  • Redundancy at multiple levels:
    • HDD—analogous to RAID
    • Server—HA, can take server offline at any time

Server Failure Domain

  • Set at pool level
  • Schemes:
    • Replication
      • High data security
      • Low data storage efficiency—50%
      • Mirroring—like RAID1
      • e.g. setup pool: 2-replica, FD-server
      • Can increase number of replicas e.g. 3-replica (requires fast network)
    • Erasure coding
      • e.g. EC 2+1—like RAID5
        • 2 bits, 1 parity bit—66% efficiency
      • e.g EC 2+2—like RAID6

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