
  • Networking, observability, and security solution
  • Open Source
  • Secures network connectivity between services deployed in Linux container management platforms, e.g. Kubernetes
  • Based on eBPF
    • Enables dynamic insertion of security visibility and control logic into the Linux kernel
    • Security policies applied/updated without changes to application code of container config
  • Developed by Isovalent

Traditional Kubernetes Networking

  • iptables
    • User-space application
    • Filters on IP address/port
    • Frequent churn in Kubernetes/microservices—100s of thousands of entries
    • Doesn’t scale well—simply a list of rules which must be replaced as a whole, difficult to scale

Cilium CNI

  • Based on eBPF—implemented as a hash table lookup, more performant than iptables
  • Inserts security visibility and enforcement based on service/pod/container ID
  • Can filter on application layer e.g. HTTP
  • Decouples security from addressing
  • Stronger security isolation—HTTP L4, L4 segregation

Cilium Service Mesh

  • Sidecar-less option (unlike Istio)—reduction in the number of containers, more performant
    • Not all features supported e.g. L7 load balancing, ingress and rate limiting
  • Bring your own control plane
    • Ingress
    • Istio (currently requires sidecars)
    • Envoy
    • Gateway API (roadmap)
    • SPIFFE (roadmap)
  • mTLS

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