
  • Debug in real time without stopping/slowing applications
  • Link source code from: Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, locally
  • Code Search—find functions, methods, line numbers
  • Code Share—collaborate on debug sessions
  • IDE integration—IntelliJ, VS Code, Atom
  • Free to use


  • Capture application state at line locations
    • Adds <10ms to requests—not noticeable
  • Capture local variables and call stack
  • Conditional snapshots (Java, Python and Go only)
  • Canarying (Java, Python, NodeJS)—test snapshot against a subset of instances

Log Points

  • Inject logs into running apps without redeployment
  • Active for 24 hrs
  • Output sent to target’s environment
  • Conditional log points (all languages)
  • Canarying (Java, Python, NodeJS)—test log point against a subset of instances

Graph View