

Sell insights, not raw data

  • Use data to drive business improvements
    • Data often a cost centre (expensive resources, projects, infra etc.)
      • Turn to profit centre with monetisation
  • Instead of selling raw data
    • Sell insights to your customers
    • e.g. Shipping—rather than answering “where is my ship?”, answer “this is the best route for your ship”
    • e.g. Retail—analyse manufacturer’s market shares and sell back to manufacturers

What is a Data Product?


Ensure the product has the user in mind

  • BI and analytics
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Omnichannel insights
  • Real-time—streaming
  • Recommendations

Data is the New Crude Oil

  • You can make money from selling raw data
    • But also from selling insights from the data
  • Compare with oil:
    • Ol refinery—sell to more people

Data Monetisation is a Business Model


Data Product Checklist

  1. Sell insights vs raw data
  2. Name your data products—not just “dashboard”
  3. Introduce golden KPIs
  4. Inject proof of value
  5. Drive user behaviour—recommendations, peer comparison, benchmarks

Data Monetisation with Looker

  • Custom reporting
  • Export data—auto generate SQL
  • API and data-as-a-service
  • Schedule dashboards and reports
    • e.g. send daily CSV to FTP

Looker Embedded Analytics for Data Monetisation

  • Embed analytics in other applications
  • No need to log into BI tool to surface insights
    • e.g. Embed in Slack
  • Complete looker experience
  • Externalise Looker semantic layer for users
  • Use software development practices for developing BI/data products

Integration Routes

  • OEM—white labelled Looker UI
  • Iframes—embed in web pages
  • API—custom integration, combine with Apigee to monetise

Graph View