
SRE is what happens when a software engineer is tasked with what used to be called operations.

  • 40–90% of total cost of a system incurred post-delivery
  • Reliability—primary concern
    • Probability the system will perform the required function without failure under stated conditions for a stated period of time
  • Hire software engineers to run products and create systems to accomplish work previously performed manually by sysadmins
    • At Google, SREs: 50–60% software engineers; 40-60% have most software engineer skills, but additional expertise, e.g. UNIX, networking
    • Create team that becomes bore performing manual sysadmin tasks, and has skills to create software to replace manual work
  • Team focussed on engineering
    • 50% cap on ops work—upper limit
    • Remainder spend on development to automate processes
    • Prevent team from becoming sysadmins
    • Goal: automated system that runs itself
  • Responsible for: availability, latency, performance and efficiency

Downsides of Sysadmin Approach

  • Previously: systems run by sysadmins
  • Discrete teams: development and ops
  • Easy to implement—precedent
  • Pitfalls:
    • Direct costs: manual intervention—team must scale as system scales, proportional to load on system
    • Indirect costs: different backgrounds between teams—language, skill sets, assumptions
    • Split between teams—conflict
    • Example: dev teams want to release to prod as quickly as possible; ops teams want to ensure system is up—most issues caused by changes
      • Teams’ goals are opposed


Focus on Engineering

  • 50% time cap on ops work
  • When reached—redirect work to dev team
    • Reassign bugs/tickets
    • Integrate devs into on-call rotas
  • Ends when ops load drops below 50%
  • Need to monitor
  • Org needs to understand why mechanism exists
  • Max 2 events per 8–12hr on-call shift
    • Handle event, clean up, restore service, conduct post-mortem
    • Always conduct post-mortem—blameless culture

Error Budgets

  • Reconcile goals of devs and ops
  • 100% reliability wrong for most things
    • Users unable to notice differences between 99.999% and 100% uptime—no benefit of last 0.001%
  • Business question to determine correct reliability target
    • What will users be happy with?
    • Alternative services?
    • What happens to usage at different availability levels?


  • error_budget = 1 - availability_target
    • e.g. 99.999% availability = 0.001% error budget
  • Spend on e.g. launching new features
  • Outages non longer “bad”—just an expected part of the process of innovation


  • Primary means to track system health
  • Traditionally—alert on value/condition
    • Not effective—don’t rely on humans to decide on required action
    • Automate interpretation
    • Only alert humans if action required
  • Valid outputs:
    • Alerts—immediate action required
    • Tickers—(non-immediate) action required
    • Logging—recorded for diagnostic purposes, expectation not read unless prompted to


  • Mean time to repair
    • How quickly team can restore service
  • Use playbooks top record best practices
    • 3x improvement on MTTR than “winging it”

Change Management

  • 70% of outages due to changes in live system
  • Best practices:
    • Progression rollouts
    • Quickly and accurately detect problems
    • Rollback when problems occur
  • Remove humans from loop

Capacity Planning

  • Ensure sufficient capacity/redundancy
  • Incorporate organic and inorganic growth:
    • Organic—natural product adoption
    • Inorganic—e.g. marketing campaigns, new features etc.
    • Regular load testing


  • Add new capacity when required

Efficiency and Performance

  • Function of demand (load), capacity and software efficiency
  • SREs—predict demand, provision capacity, modify software
  • Provision to meet target response speed
  • Monitor performance


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