

  • VMs not going away—still a significant number of searches
  • KubeVirt marries VMs and Kubernetes
  • Operator plus CRDs
  • Maps workloads to Pods
  • Declarative—desired state of VM
  • VMs run in Pods—same tools etc.
  • Extends API—kubectl etc.
  • virtctl—optional CLI tool
    • More convenience e.g. graphical desktops
  • Start, stop, live migration
  • Multi-network
  • SR-IOV
  • Block storage (PVs)
  • Snapshots


  • Develop on and use one platform—developer self-service
  • Kube-on-kube—Kubernetes running on KubeVirt VMs
    • Underlying cluster—infra cluster
  • Operate one platform
  • Kubernetes at heart
    • Extend to support legacy apps as long as required
  • Long term goal—Kuebrnetes
  • Scale one platform


  • Opinionated virt-operator deployment model
    • Customizations complex
  • virt-operator requires many privileges
  • Self-signed certs and CAs
    • Not always desirable—might have own CA
  • No support for custom kubelet path
  • Requirement for NET_RAW

Use Cases

  • VM template generation
  • Create Dev envs
  • Kube-in-kube
  • Nested virtualization
    • Run VMs within Kubernetes clusters running on VMs
  • Appliances, other OSes
    • Unable to run in containers


Untitled Diagram


  • Test suite in KubeVirt codebase
    • Run as Cron to continuously test that KubeVirt is working correctly
  • Prometheus endpoints
  • Deploy Containerized Data Importer (CDI)
    • Import data in PVs

Graph View