
  • Lightweight block storage system for Kubernetes
  • Open source—originally developed by Rancher
    • Now incubating project of CNCF
  • Partition block storage into Longhorn volumes
  • Replication across nodes and data centres
  • Backups to NFS and S3
  • Cross-cluster DR
  • Scheduled snapshots and backups
  • Thin provisioned
  • ReadWriteOnce only—block storage
    • ReadWriteMany experimental feature via NFS provisioner


  • Control plane—Longhorn Manager
  • Data plane—Longhorn Engine (storage controller)

Longhorn Manager

  • Operator
  • DaemonSet
  • Creates/manages volumes in cluster
  • Handles API calls from UI or volume plugins
  • Creates Longhorn volume CRD
    • Creates new volumes when CRD object created

Longhorn Engine

  • Created by Longhorn Manager when asked to create volumes
  • Created on node where volume will be placed
    • Also on nodes where replicas will be placed
  • Microservices-based design
    • Each Engine serves a single volume
    • Controller crashes affect only a single volume
    • Upgrades without affecting all volumes


  • Chain of snapshots
    • Each snapshot is a diff to previous
    • Volumes can be reverted to snapshot


  • Stored in NFS or S3 compatible object storage
  • Replicas are synchronous—hard to do cross-region replication due to latency
    • Address with backups
  • Use one snapshot as source
    • Flattened chain of snapshots
  • Schedules
  • Can restore to DR volumes

Graph View