

  • Containers in Kubernetes require:
    • Dynamic provision of storage alongside the container lifecycle
    • Reliability—the ability to withstand failure of nodes/disks/storage arrays
    • High density of volumes per host
    • Security
    • Availability across availability zones


  • Virtual storage overlay
  • Deployed as containers, for containers
  • Aggregates storage across nodes
  • Auto categorize storage pools
  • Replication
  • Multi-zonal clusters
  • Backups, e.g. into AWS S3
  • Disaster recovery
  • Scalability—PX-Autopilot


  • Deployed as a container
  • Design principles:
    • Heterogeneous systems
      • Difference CPU/memory profiles
      • Built-in node disks, or storage arrays (or mixed)
    • Scaling—nodes and storage
  • Node/availability zone/storage outages tolerable
  • Application-level granularity
  • Managed with Kubernetes YAML
  • Extensibility—supports OpenStorage SDK and APIs

Deployment Models

  • Disaggregated
    • Storage nodes separate from compute—2 clusters
  • Hyperconverged
    • Compute and storage co-located
    • Better performance


  • Control plane
    • Cluster management
  • Data plane
    • Data storage

Control Plane



  • Consensus—to elect leader
  • Storageless nodes have no voting rights, so can’t form quorum—but can join an existing quorum
  • Raft algorithm
    • Consensus algorithm
    • Random timer on each node—messages all other nodes requesting to become leader
    • Other nodes respond with algorithm
    • Periodic heartbeat from leader—new leader elected if not received
    • Raft DB—all nodes have copy, kept in sync
  • Minimum number of available nodes required for Quorum, where is the total number of nodes:
  • Table of required quorum, per total number of nodes:
Total num nodesQuorumFault tolerance
  • 2 nodes no better than 1—both have no fault tolerance for node outage
  • Same for 4 vs 3 and 6 vs 5

Gossip Protocol

  • Health, IO, CPU, memory—shared between nodes, detect outages


  • Cluster config—single source of truth
  • e.g. etcd

Storage Pools

  • Disks pooled by:
    • Size
    • Type e.g. magnetic, SSD etc.
    • IO Priority—performance, judged by Portworx benchmarking disks
      • High/medium/low
  • Pool aggregated across all nodes in cluster
  • RAID 0 by default—i.e. no striping or mirroring
    • RAID 10 (stripe of mirrors) available if >= 4 nodes in pool
  • Min disk size—8 GB
  • Max 32 pools per node

Pool Rebalancing

  • Moves volumes from over-utilized pools to under-utilised
  • Attempts to bring all pools as close to mean utilization as possible
  • Unbalanced pools: if >20% or <20% from mean utilization of cluster


  • Create new volume from storage pool:
pxctl volume create <name> --nodes <nodes> --io_priority <high|medium|low> --size <size GB>
  • If no pool with desired IO Priority available—chooses a pool with a different IO Priority and downgrades/upgrades the volume specification

  • Attach volume to node—attaches to node command is run on, can be run on any node in cluster

pxctl host mount <name> --path <mount path>
  • Unmount and detach to move volume to another node

Shared Volumes

  • Default—block volumes
    • Can’t be shared between nodes
  • To create shared volumes, pass --sharedv4 yes flag to pxctl volume create command
  • Volume can now be mounted on multiple nodes

Aggregation Sets

  • Default—volume associated to single pool on single node
  • Aggregation sets—volume spans multiple nodes
    • Striped across disks, polls, and nodes
  • To create, pass --aggregation_level <1|2|3|auto> to pxctl volume create command

Replication Sets

  • Replicate volumes
    • Max replicas = 3
  • Default RAID 0 for pools—disk failure not tolerated
    • Require replication sets
  • To create, pass --repl <1|2|3> to pxctl volume create command
  • Replicas automatically distributed across:
    • Pools, nodes, racks, rows, DCs, zones, regions
  • Synchronous replication—replicated before acknowledgement sent to client



  • Prerequisite—KVDB, e.g. etcd already installed
  • Install via Docker


  • If less than 25 nodes—Portworx can manage KVDB
    • Less overhead of managing etcd
  • Options: DaemonSet or Operator
  • Generate installation spec at PX-Central
  • Once deployed—scans disks attached to cluster
    • Aggregates to storage pools

Dynamic Provisioning

  • Example: HA, 2 replicas (e.g. for Cassandra DB)
  • Create Kubernetes StorageClass object, and specify in StatefulSet or PersistentVolume spec:
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: px-storageclass
provisioner: kubernetes.io/portworx-volume
  repl: "2"
  priority_io: "high"
  group: "volgroup1"
  fg: "true"


  • CLI
  • Manages:
    • Cluster
    • Volumes
    • Snapshots
    • Migration
    • Alerts
    • Secrets
    • Storage policy
    • Licences
    • Object stores
    • Roles
    • Credentials
    • Authentication


  • Multi-cluster management console
  • Single pane of glass
  • SaaS or on-prem


  • Rules-based engine—responds to changes from monitoring source (Prometheus)
  • Example rules:
    • Resize volumes based on used capacity
    • Resize pools based on used capacity
    • Rebalance storage if provisioned or used space within predefined range (e.g. <20% or >20% or mean usage)
  • When resizing—done in a rolling upgrade fashion
  • Configurable back-off period—don’t trigger rule again within certain time period


  • Backs up Kubernetes apps and data across 1 or more clusters
  • Prerequisites: STORK 2.5+, Helm
  • Generate config at PX-Central
  • Can store backups in object storage e.g. S3
  • Backup rules—select Pods via labels
    • Actions—trigger command in Pod at time of backup
  • Schedule—periodic, daily, weekly, monthly
  • Create a backup:
    • What? Where? — Rules
    • When? How? — Schedules

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