
  • Kubernetes containers contain logic written in different languages—each with different resource requirements
  • The developer is best placed to know these requirements—from testing


  • Knowing resource requirements up-front allows:
    • Kubernetes to intelligently make decisions on Pod placement—more efficient hardware utilization
    • Capacity planning—more cost-effective environments

Runtime Dependencies

  • File storage
    • Container storage is ephemeral
    • Kubernetes offers Pod-level storage which can survive restarts
  • Kubernetes Volumes:
    • emptyDir—ephemeral to Pod
    • PersistentVolume—long-lived
    • Type of required volume affects Pod placement—Pod might not be scheduled if no node available
  • Configuration e.g. ConfigMaps, Secrets

Resource Profiles

  • Compute resource requirements
  • Types:
    • Compressible—can be throttled if container goes over limit, e.g. CPU, network bandwidth
    • Incompressible—can’t be throttled (container killed if goes over limit), e.g. memory
  • Profiles—soft/hard limits:
    • requests—minimum amount of resource required
    • limits—maximum amount of resource permitted
  • Scheduler uses requests for Pod placement on nodes
  • Quality of Service (QoS):
    • Best effort—no requests, no limits—killed first when node under incompressible resource pressure
    • Burstable—requests != limits—killed if no best effort Pods available
    • Guranteed—requests == limits—killed last

Pod Priority

  • Importance of Pods relative to other Pods
  • Specify PriorityClass object
  • Influences scheduling order
  • If no Pods with enough capacity, scheduler can pre-empt other Pods with lower priority—QoS not considered
  • Use with caution

Resource Quotas

  • Limit resources in namespaces
    • CPU, mem, storage consumed
    • Number of objects (ConfigMaps, Secrets, Pods, Services)

Limit Ranges

  • Min/max permitted amounts for requests/limits
  • Also set request to limit ratio—overcommit level
    • Only requests used for Pod placement
    • High overcommit level increases chance for overcommitting of resources on node—degrades performance, Pods evicted


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