Primitive Types

  • string
  • number—represents integers and floating point
  • bool


  • list(<TYPE>)
    • Ordered
    • Elements identified by index starting with 0
  • map(<TYPE>)
    • Key/value pairs—separate with : or =
    • Delimit with newlines or commas
  • set(<TYPE>)
    • Collection of unique values
    • unordered

Structural Types

  • Grouping of several distinct types
  • Requires schema definition
  • object(<TYPE>)
    • Collection of named attributes with their own types
    • e.g. object({foo=string, hello=number})
    • Can assign values with additional attributes, but these are lost, i.e. object slicing occurs
  • tuple(<TYPE>)
    • Sequence of elements with different types
    • Ordered/indexed
    • e.g. tuple([string, number])

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