Steps to Turn Process into Machine Learning Model

Individual Contributor

  • Prototype
  • Don’t skip—leads to incorrect assumptions later
  • Don’t linger—knowledge can become concentrated in 1 person
  • Slow to scale


  • Increase number of employees—100s to millions
    • But—tool many stakeholders can result in organizational lock-in—“automation not possible”
  • Formalize process
  • Org buy in
  • Identify humans in ML loop


  • Computers perform mundane tasks
  • Automation
  • Lay software and infrastructure foundations—ML extra layer on top

Big Data and Analytics

  • Measure everything about ops and users
  • Use data to reassess definition of success
  • Hand-tuned algorithms—e.g. Google until 2015

Machine Learning

  • Complete feedback loop—automate all steps

Moving from Experimentation to Production

  • Frame the problem
    • Identify the use case
    • What?
    • Minimum requirements?
  • Prepare training data
    • Exploratory data analysis—EDA
      • Improve data quality
    • Feature engineering—combine features to create new features
  • Experimentation phase
    • Experiment with different models
  • Evaluate
  • Package, deploy, monitor

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