
  • Migrate legacy apps into containers
    • ASP.NET on IIS/Linux
    • .NET Windows services
    • Java on Linux—Tomcat, JBoss
  • CLI tool—runs locally on instance
  • Portable—on-prem, AWS
  • Automated
  • Scaleable—standard steps for all apps
  • Source code not required—binaries packaged
  • Follows AWS best practices for containerization


  • Analysis of app:
    • Dependencies
    • Files
    • Ports
  • Containerizes with Docker
  • Creates Artefacts
    • ECS task definitions
    • Kubernetes manifests
    • CI/CD pipeline—AWS Developer Tools, Jenkins
    • Cloud Formation templates
  • Deploy to AWS
    • Store image in ECR
    • Deploy to ECS/EKS

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