
  • Orchestration for containers
  • Deploy, manage, scale

Task Definitions

  • Describes application—cf. Kubernetes manifest
  • JSON file
  • Up to 10 containers
  • Includes ports, data volumes, launch type etc.

Launch Types

  • Fargate—fully managed, no instances
  • EC2—self-managed infrastructure, EC2 instances
  • External—self-managed, on-prem instances


  • Instantiation of task definition with cluster (logical grouping of container instances—EC2 instances)
  • Tasks placed on instances via selection of strategies, e.g.
    • Binpack
    • Spread
    • Random
  • Configure number of instances of task—load balance


  • Create new revision
  • Deployment strategies:
    • Rolling update
    • Blue/green
    • External—any third party deployment controller

Graph View