
  • PaaS serverless
  • Regional
  • No server management/config
  • Comes in two flavours:
    • App Engine Standard—first generation
    • App Engine Flexible—second generation

App Engine Standard

  • Instantaneous scale-up
    • Scales down to zero—15 minute scale down period (paid for)
  • Runtimes:
    • Python 3
    • Java 11
    • Node.js
    • PHP 7
    • Ruby
    • Go 1.12+

App Engine Flexible

  • Containerized apps
    • Deploy from Dockerfile or Container Registry/Artifact Registry
  • Gradual scale up
    • Best for consistent traffic
    • Scales down to one replica—useful for background tasks and SSH debugging
  • Runtimes:
    • Python 2.7/3.6
    • Java 8
    • PHP 5/7
    • Ruby
    • Go
    • .Net
    • Custom runtimes

Custom Domains

  • Process:
    • Verify domain at Webmaster Central
    • Map (sub-)domain to App Engine in console, via gcloud or the API
    • Update DNS records are registrar using records generated by App Engine
  • App Engine generates managed SSL certificate by default
    • Can use self-managed SSL certs
  • Domain mapped to shared pool of IP addresses


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