Native Solutions

CSPTransit SolutionLimitations
AWSAWS Transit GatewayLack of visibility
No peering within region
No security controls
Limited BGP support
AzureVia ExpressRoute Edge RouterLack of visibility
Lack of control
Noisy neighbours
AzureAzure FirewallLack of visibility
Requires NAT and load balancer
AzureVirtual WANLack of visibility
Lack of control
Limited to 200 BGP routes to on-prem
Google CloudNoneNo native transit solutions
Single global VPC
OCILimitedNo native east-west and north-south transit solution
Promotes third party appliances

Third-Party Solutions

  • Legacy hardware vendors (e.g. Cisco etc.)
  • Manual setup/management
  • Not fully cloud aware—e.g. no IaC
  • Large blast radius

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