
  • Offered by Converge; previously owned by IBM
  • IaaS for IBM PowerVM based virtual machines (LPARs)
  • Integrated offering
    • Consume 3rd party service (i.e. IBM Power) as though Google Cloud native
    • 4 areas:
      • Billing—integrated through Google Cloud marketplace
      • User experience—like interacting with Google infrastructure
      • Networking—low latency, HA, secure connection to Converge infrastructure (never over internet, private IP space)
      • Support—tier 1 support from Google, with escalation to Converge (critical workloads)
  • Converge runs infrastructure—customer responsible for OS upwards
  • Monthly subscription
    • T-shirt sizing—can change plans
    • Billing prorated for partial months
  • Access to Google Cloud services from within LPARs
  • Power9-based servers
    • Same infra as used in usual on-prem deployments—by design
    • Power10 available on request
  • AIX, IBM i, or Linux operating systems
  • Regions (as of June 2023):
    • us-east4 (N. Virginia)
    • us-central1 (Iowa)
    • europe-west3 (Frankfurt)
    • northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal)
    • northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto)
    • europe-west4 (Netherlands)—roadmap


  • OpenAPI interface—running on GKE in Converge-owned VPC
  • Web console—developed by Converge, similar look/feel to Compute Engine UI
  • CLI tool—pcloud developed by Converge, similiar look/feel to gcloud


  • Customer VPC peered to Converge owned VPC
  • Converge VPC handles Dedicated Interconnect to Converge data centre containing Power hardware
  • RFC1918 address space—no connectivity to Converge hardware from internet without going via customer VPC

IBM Power Google Cloud


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