
  • Highly configurable
  • Zonal
  • Choice of machine types:
    • General purpose
    • Compute optimized
    • Memory optimized
    • Processor optimized (GPUs)
  • Public or private boot disk images
  • Live migrations
  • Auto restart
  • Per second billing—minimum of one minute
    • vCPU and memory billed separately

Boot Disks

  • Set --no-boot-disk-auto-delete to keep boot disk data after instance deletion

Preemptible VMs

  • Can stop at any time
  • Will definitely stop after 24 hrs
  • 60 – 90% cheaper than standard VMs

Sole Tenant Nodes

  • Dedicated server
  • Useful for specific hardware requirements, e.g. for bring your own licence (BYOL) requirements—per processor/core licencing

Managed Instance Groups (MIGs)

  • Multiple identical VMs managed together
  • Autoscaling
  • Auto-healing
  • Regional/multi-zonal
  • Unmanaged Instance Groups:
    • Load balance against any group of VMs

Machine Families

Use Cases

FamilyUse case
General purpose (E2/N2/N2D/N1)Balanced performance and cost
Compute optimized (C2/C2D)High-performance, CPU frequency and consistency, powerful cores, high CPU/mem ratios
Memory optimized (M1/M2)High memory requirements
Accelerator optimized (A2)Highest performance GPUs for ML, HPC and parallel computing
Scale-out optimized (Tau T2D)Horizontally scalable cloud native workloads


  • GPUs supported on:
    • N1
    • A2


Custom Images

  • Created from: source disks, images, snapshots, images stored in Cloud Storage
  • Used to create VM instances
  • Virtual disk import tool: import boot disk images from existing systems
  • Stored in Cloud Storage—zonal or regional
  • Can group into families
  • Image status:
    • ACTIVE—image can be used as normal
    • DEPRECATED—can still be used, but marked as deprecated
    • OBSOLETE—can no longer be used
    • DELETED—can no longer be used


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