
Google hosted service to load balance requests across Kubernetes Engine clusters and regions. The MultiClusterIngress Kubernetes resource is a controller for External HTTP(S) Load Balancers.

Multi Cluster Use Cases

  • Close user proximity to workloads
  • High availability
  • Security and organizational separation
  • Cluster migration
  • Data locality

Multi Cluster Ingress Use Cases

  • Single (global) VIP for an application
  • Multi cluster/regional availability
    • Health checks
    • Failover
  • Proximity-based routing
    • Via anycast VIPs
    • Low client latency
  • Transparent cluster migration for upgrades/rebuilds
    • Blue/green deployments


  • HttpLoadBalancing add-on enabled (default)
  • VPC-native clusters
  • Workload Identity enabled


  • External HTTP(s) Load Balancers only
  • Only works with clusters within the same project, and only one Multi Cluster Ingress per project
    • Can select a subset of clusters however
  • HTTPS requires a pre-allocated static IP (not ephemeral)
  • Quotas (can request increase):
    • 15 clusters per project
    • 50 MultiClusterIngress resources per cluster
    • 100 MultiClusterService resources per cluster

How it Works

  • HTTP(S) Load Balancer created on the premium tier
    • Globally distributed with 100+ points of presence (PoPs) hosting Google Front Ends (GFEs)
    • Global external IP advertised via anycast
    • Requests served by GFEs go to the closest cluster via Google backbone
  • Multi Cluster Ingress Controller
    • Google managed
    • Programs external HTTP(S) Load Balancer using Network Endpoint Groups
    • Configures Pods across clusters as backends
    • NEGs track Pod endpoints dynamically
      • LB has correct set of healthy backends
    • Ensures the LB is in sync with Deployments etc.
    • Respects Pod health checks
    • Determines if clusters are removed from pool


Multi Cluster Ingress architecture

MultiClusterService and MultiClusterIngress Resources

  • Only present in the config cluster


  • Similar to Service but behaves differently
  • Generates Services in the target fleet clusters
    • These create NEGs to track target Pods


  • Behaves similarly to regular Ingress
    • Similar spec
  • Targets MultiClusterService resources rather than Services


  • Namespace sameness across fleet
    • MCI can target Pods in namespace across all clusters
    • Teams need to reserve namespaces to ensure no mismatch
  • All namespaces need to be created in the config cluster
    • MultiClusterServices and MultiClusterIngresses are deployed into a namespace, and can only target pods in the same namespace

Config Cluster Design

  • Single cluster
    • Must be HA (regional)
    • Can’t access API to update MultiClusterService or MultiClusterIngress resources if down
  • Doesn’t have to be dedicated
    • But maybe it should be? Prevents CPU/Mem contention, and provides isolation
  • Can change which cluster is the current config cluster (e.g. for maintenance)
    • Need to ensure MultiClusterService and MultiClusterIngress resources are identical when switching
    • Pattern: blue/green cluster updates
      • CI/CD applies MultiClusterService and MultiClusterIngress resources to both blue and green clusters
      • Seamless switch-over

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