

  • ”Write once, run anywhere”
  • Kubernetes on Google Cloud, AWS, Azure and on-prem (VMware and bare metal)
    • Google managed control plane
  • Supports:
  • Migrate for Anthos and GKE—migrate legacy workloads to containers
  • Anthos Config Management
    • Policy enforcement
    • Guardrails
    • Security in depth
  • Anthos Service Mesh
    • Managed, observable, secure communications between microservices
    • Istio
    • Control-plane and data-plane
    • Traffic monitored through a proxy—auto-instrumentation/injection, so no code changes required
    • Canary and blue/green deployments
    • Load balancing between services
    • Telemetry
  • Cloud Run for Anthos
    • Knative
    • Serverless workloads
    • Advanced autoscaling—scale to zero (or minimum availability)
    • Automatic networking
    • A/B tests—traffic splitting, rollbacks
  • Anthos Fleets
    • Groups of clusters
    • Normalisation of resources, e.g.
      • Namespaces
      • Services
      • Workload Identity
  • Binary Authorization
    • Validation policies for container image deployments—CI/CD


Attached Clusters

  • Extend Anthos into Kubernetes clusters running in other environments
  • Single pane of glass view of all clusters
  • Supports Amazon EKS and Azure AKS
  • Support for ACM and ASM
  • Install agent in cluster
  • Ability to see workloads in console UI

Supported Versions

  • Versions indicated by semver numbering: x.y.z
  • Quarterly major/minor releases
  • Monthly path releases
  • Google support previous n–2 releases

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