
  • PMK
  • SaaS
  • On-prem, public cloud, edge
  • 99.9% SLA—across all deplopyment targets, including public cloud
  • Deploy < 5 min
  • Scale on demand
  • Remote 24/7 monitoring—troubleshoot and repair

Tech Stack

  • Load balancer—MetalLB
  • Monitoring—Prometheus, Fluentd
  • etcd—optional backups
  • Multi-tenancy—implemented via Keystone
  • Knative—self install
  • Istio—self install
  • Multi-cluster ingress—self install (CloudFlare suggested)

Deployment Targets


  • Physical/VMs with supported Linux version
    • Not VMware—pre-built image available
  • Networking not managed by PMK

AWS And Azure

  • Native PMK clusters—running on EC2/VMs
  • EKS/AKS cluster import—subset of features
  • Native—can set up VPC, subnets, Security Groups etc. or bring your own VPC
  • ELB
  • Cluster autoscaling
  • Fully automated rolling upgrades
  • Centralised deployment UI/API/TF provider

Google Cloud

  • No native clusters—import GKE clusters only
  • Cluster must have public API endpoint and public VPC
  • Limitations: No cluster lifecycle management from PMK (delete, upgrade, scale)
    • Monitoring only

Profile Engine

  • Similar to GKE Enterprise Config Management
  • Cluster governance/policy management—RBAC only
  • Drift detection


  • Prometheus, Grafana
  • PMK monitoring dashboard
  • Alerts

Graph View