
  • Wide-column NoSQL database
  • Single key, multiple column rows
  • Large analytical/operational workloads
  • Key-value store
  • High read/write rates, low latency—<10 ms read/write operations
  • Tables stored in instances
    • Zonal resource
    • Regional replication—up to four nodes in different zones, primary-primary replication
  • Use cases:
    • Time-series data
    • Marketing/financial data
    • IoT data

General Technical Details

  • Key/value storage—not relational, no joins
  • Transactions supported within single row only
    • Operations atomic at row level
  • Rows sorted by row key in lexicographical big-endian (network) byte order
  • Column families not sorted
  • Columns sorted within column family

Storage Model

  • Tables—key/value map
  • Each row contains a single entity—columns store values for each row
  • Single row key—acts as primary key
  • Related columns grouped into column families
    • Columns identified by combination of column family and column qualifier—unique name within column family
  • Each row/column intersection contains multiple cells—timestamped version of data (how the data has changed over time)
  • Sparse—columns can be null
    • No storage used for empty cells

Bigtable Storage Model

Best Practices


  • Store similar datasets in the same table—use a unique row prefix for each dataset
  • Anti-pattern: many small tables—poor performance

Column Families

  • Group related columns in the same column family
    • Simplifies filters
    • Reduces redundant data transfers
  • Max ~100 column families—more causes poor performance
  • Use short names—reduces data transferred in requests/responses
  • Garbage collection performed at column family level
    • Store data with different data retention needs in different column families
    • Reduces storage costs


  • Treat column qualifiers as data—save space by naming with value
  • Create many columns—can scale to millions
    • No space penalty for rows with null values
  • Use sparse rows—not every column should have a value for every row
    • Max 100MB per row


  • 100MB max
  • All information for a single entity should be stored in a single row
    • Atomicity only guaranteed at the row level
  • Store related entities in adjacent rows—faster reads


  • 10MB max

Row Keys

  • Design based on queries used to retrieve data
    • Only 1 index, so queries on other fields inefficient—table scan required
  • Most efficient reads via:
    • Row key
    • Row key prefix
    • Range of row keys—start, end
    • Other queries—triggers full table scan
  • Use field promotion to move known fields into row key
    • Store multiple delimited values, e.g. separate with # symbol
    • Allows built-in sorting to store related data in contiguous rows—better performance
    • e.g. bus locations, naive design:
Vehicle IDLatitudeLongitudeCompanyRoute
  • Unlikely to query individual buses—most likely to know company and route, e.g. to query the location of all STC buses on route 22.
  • Better design:
Vehicle IDLatitudeLongitude
  • Use ROWPREFIXFILTER to scan—efficient as keys sorted:

    scan 'vehicles', {ROWPREFIXFILTER => 'STC#22#'}
  • Pad integers with 0s—data sorted lexicographically—ensures correct ordering

    • Important for timestamps—often used with range-based queries
  • Use human-readable row keys—for analysis with the Key Visualizer tool

  • Start row keys with a common value—use more granular values as the suffix, e.g.

  • Ideally use shorthand references where possible, e.g. EU rather than Europe, to save space

  • Avoid:

    • Row keys starting with timestamps—creates hotspots (unbalanced read/writes across nodes)
    • Row keys which don’t group related data together
    • Sequential numeric IDs
      • e.g. User IDs—new users more likely to be active—creates hotspots
      • Better to reverse ID—spreads writes across nodes
    • Frequently updated IDs
      • e.g. device_id#metric
      • Overloads nodes
      • Better to add new row per timestamp
    • Hashed row keys or raw bytes—can’t use natural sorting order

Special Use Cases

Time-Based Data

  • Include timestamp as part of row key
    • But not at beginning—creates hotspots
    • Reverse


  • Most efficient to use one table for all tenants
  • Use tenant ID as row key prefix
    • Contiguous—better performance


  • Don’t use PII in row keys or column family IDs
    • Used as both data and metadata—could be exposed in e.g. logs

Domain Names

  • Reverse
    • Better compression
    • Related domains grouped together—more efficient reads

Uncertain Queries

  • Consider placing all data in a single column—profocol buffer (protobuf) or JSON format
    • Less space required
    • App doesn’t need to know schema
    • Still requires carefully designed row key


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