Data Preparation

  1. Upload data
  2. Feature engineers
    • Data prep before training—time-consuming and tedious
    • Vertex AI Feature Store
      • Organize, store and server ML features
      • Engineers can use features available in Feature Store dictionary to build a dataset
      • Benefits: features shareable, reusable and scalable, easy to use

Model Training

  • Supervised learning—task driven, identifies a goal
    • Classification—predict a category
    • Regression—predict a continuous number
  • Unsupervised learning—data-driven, identifies a pattern
    • Clustering
    • Association—identify underlying relationships
    • Dimensionality reduction—transform data from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional space
  • Hyperparameters—user-defined training parameters

Model Evaluation

Model Deployment and Monitoring

  • Model serving
    1. Model deployment
    2. Model monitoring


  • Solves pain point—data and code continuously evolving
  • MLOps ~ DevOps
    • Continuous integration
    • Continuous training
    • Continuous delivery
  • Automate serving of model
  • Monitoring at every step of ML workflow

Model Deployment

  • Deploy to endpoint—when immediate results and low latency required, e.g. recommendations
  • Batch prediction—no immediate response required
  • Offline prediction—deploy outside of Google Cloud


  • Vertex AI Pipelines
    • Automates, monitors, governs ML systems
    • Orchestrates workflow
    • Serverless
    • Triggers alerts

Graph View