

  • Data sets
    • Managed by Vertex AI—can be linked to a model
  • Feature store
  • Labelling tasks
    • Request human labelling of video, image or text data
  • Vertex AI Workbench
  • Pipelines
    • Automate, monitor, govern ML systems
    • Orchestrate workflow
    • Store workflow artefacts using Vertex AI metadata—analyse lineage of workflow artefacts e.g. training data, hyperparameters, code etc.
  • Training
  • Experiments
    • Vertex Visia—optimization, tune hyperparameters
    • TensorBoard—compare studies
  • Models
  • Endpoints
    • Deploy models for serving predictions
    • Models trained in and out of Vertex AI
  • Batch predictions
    • Group prediction requests
    • Asynchronous
  • Metadata
    • Stores pipeline metadata

Generative AI


  • Connected to Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring
  • Client libraries—native libraries (Python, Node.js, Java), and API libraries for other languages
  • Deep Learning VM Images—Compute Engine images with tools pre-installed e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch
  • Deep Learning Containers

Graph View