
  • Data warehouse
  • Storage plus analytics
  • SQL queries
  • Serverless
  • Multi-regional
  • SQL column store
  • Terabytes to petabytes
  • BigQuery ML, geospatial analysis and BI
  • Public datasets available
  • Real-time analytics
  • Automatic replication, 7 day storage of changes
  • Cloud Monitoring—e.g. number of jobs running, bytes scanned during a query, distribution of query times
  • Encrypted at rest
  • Built in machine learning
    • Write ML models directly in BigQuery using SQL


  • Two options:
    • Pay by amount of data queries process
    • BigQuery Slots
      • Up-front purchase of processing capacity
      • Flat-rate pricing
      • Useful for CapEx optimization model

Data Ingestion

BigQuery Data Ingestion

  • Data sources:
    • Internal data
    • External data
    • Multi-cloud data—AWS, Azure
    • Public datasets
  • Replicated
  • Backed up
  • Autoscaled

External Data Sources

  • Query data stored in other locations, e.g.
  • No need to ingest into BigQuery
  • Note: inconsistencies could form from saving and processing data separately
    • Consider using Dataflow to build streaming pipeline

Query Jobs

Interactive Query Jobs

  • Default
  • Query run as soon as possible
  • Count towards concurrent rate limit and daily limit

Batch Query Jobs

  • Queued by BigQuery
  • Query started as soon as idle resources available in shared resource pool
  • If not started within 24 hours—automatically changed to interactive
  • Don’t count towards concurrent rate limit

Authorized Views

  • Grant specific users access to subsets of data via authorized views
  • Source dataset contains the source data
  • Create separate dataset to container authorized view
    • Users granted access to authorized view, but not underlying source dataset
  • Authorized view granted access to the source dataset

Policy Tags

  • Apply to columns
  • Define access to data when using:
    • Column-level access control
    • Dynamic data masking, e.g. PII, financial data, customer order history


Graph View