• Automate CIS Benchmarking
    • kube-bench
    • GKE Enterprise Config Management with CIS benchmark policies
  • Google Groups for RBAC
  • Run nodes with least privilege SA—avoid Compute Engine default service account
    • roles/monitoring.viewer
    • roles/monitoring.metricWriter
    • roles/logging.logWriter
    • roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.write
  • Use Workload Identity to access Google Cloud APIs—don’t use underlying node service account
  • Enable private access only on control plane API
  • Create a private cluster (no external IP addresses)—use bastion host for access
  • Use Container-Optimized OS for nodes images—hardened OS
  • Use shielded GKE nodes—protects against node impersonation
  • Enable GKE sandbox—protects against privilege escalation and unstrusted code from affecting the host kernel
  • Enforce network policies—ensure prod Pods can only communicate with allowed resources
  • Ensure audit logging is enabled—export logs to BigQuery
  • Enable Binary Authorization—allow trusted container images only
  • Enable container image vulnerability scanning
  • Use GKE autopilot if possible—includes hardened setup by default


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