
  • Manages solution for storing/accessing healthcare data
  • Bridge between existing healthcare systems and apps hosted on Google Cloud
  • Interfaces:
    • FHIR
    • HL7v2
    • DICOM
  • Backed by standards complient data store
  • Interface to Pub/Sub

Key Features

  • Standards conformance
  • Compiance with privacy regulartions
  • Data location control
  • Security via IAM
  • Open source proxies available for Apigee
    • Thread detection
    • Traffic management
  • Bulk import/export via Cloud Storage
  • De-identification
  • Auditing via Cloud Logging
  • High availability

Implementation Details

  • Datasets—regional
  • Store—modality specific i.e. HL7v2, DICOM, FHIR

Healthcare API Datastores

Graph View