
  • Store, view and interact with logs
  • Export logs
  • Create metrics from logs

Log Categories

  • Security logs
    • Audit logs
    • Access Transparency logs—log Google access to services
  • Non-security logs
    • User logs
    • Platform logs
    • VPC flow logs
    • Firewall logs
  • Always enabled
    • No charge
    • 400 day retention
  • Manually enabled
    • Charged based on volume
    • 30 day retention

Audit Logs

  • What/what did what
  • Admin activity logs
    • User initiated resource configuration e.g. Compute Engine instance created by user
    • Always enabled
  • System events
    • Non-user initiated resource configuration
    • Always enabled
  • Data access
    • Configuration of resource data
    • Not applicable for public resources
    • Manually enabled (except for BigQuery)

Non-Security Logs

  • All chageable
  • User logs—software, app logs
    • Agent required
  • Platform logs
    • Google Cloud services e.g. Compute Engine startup scripts
  • VPC flow logs
    • Sample of packets sent/received by VPC resources
    • ~1/10 packets recorded—can’t adjust rate
  • Firewall logs
    • Enable individually for each firewall rule

Log Retention Periods

Google Cloud Log Retention

  • Admin activity, system event, access transparecy
    • 400 days
    • Non-chargeable
  • All others
    • 30 days (default)—configurable (increases cost)
    • Chargeable

Exporting Logs

Google Cloud Logs Router

  1. Create sink—filter/destination pairing
  2. Define filter—filter/exclude logs
  3. Choose destination

Log-Based Metrics

  • Cloud Monitoring metrics based on log entries
  • Example: number of denied connection attempts from firewall logs
  • Based on log queries
  • System (auto-created)
  • User-defined (custom)
  • Types:
    • Counter—number of log entries matching query
    • Distribution—Statistical distribution of extracted log values into histogram buckets

Graph View