Service Accounts
- Instance runs with Service Account—represents the instance’s identity and roles
- Default Service Account available—has
- Large attack vector
- Best practice: create custom Service Account with granular permissions—least privilege principle
- Startup script
- Supported by both Linux and Windows
- Define in metadata
- Or store in Cloud Storage and add metadata key
with the value of the GCS URL for the script
- Instance requires
- Security implications: if bucket is less secure than the instance metadata, could result in privilege escalation, as the script runs as root
- Custom image as boot disk
Service Discovery
- Method for service to call other services without hard-coded IPs etc.
- Two options:
- Use metadata server to store project-level key/value pairs, e.g.
service_a =
- Use a Managed Instance Group fronted by a load balancer configured with a static DNS name
Operations Suite
- Cloud logging agent must be manually installed on VMs—based on Fluentd
- Collects syslogs, plus standard app logs, e.g. Redis, MySQL, Apache etc.
- Also can be configured with custom log locations
- System metrics—CPU, disk, network
- User-defined metrics—from any app logs
- First check serial console—startup script errors
- If startup script stored in Cloud Storage—check instance Service Account has correct read permissions on the bucket/object
- For instance access issues—check network tags and corresponding firewall rules
- Issues with Managed Instance Groups:
- Template issues—source image doesn’t exist? Disk mounted in read/write mode onto multiple instances?
- Instances being recreated—health check issues: broken template, health check firewall rule missing