
  • Collects and visualizes metrics from Google Cloud resources—how well are resources performing?
  • Track SLOs and SLAs
  • Alerting—identify issues as they happen

Metrics Scopes

  • Previously known as workspaces
  • Host for monitored projects—multiple projects can be monitored in a Metric Scope, but a project can only be in one Metric Scope
  • Best practice: create a central Metric Scope project—single pane of glass for all projects

Monitoring Agents

  • Required for monitoring of Compute Engine and AWS EC2 instances—most monitoring is baked into the Google Cloud services
  • More detailed and granular metrics
  • Can gather metrics from 3rd party apps, e.g. NGINX
  • Monitoring agent: collectd
  • Logging agent: Fluentd


  • Types: bool, int64, double, string
  • Kinds:
    • Gauge—instant in time e.g. CPU usage
    • Delta—change in value since last recording
    • Cumulative—sum over time e.g. sent bytes
  • Examples: latency, number of SQL records, disk space
  • 1500+ pre-created metrics
  • Custom metrics, define via built in Monitoring API or OpenCensus
    • Best practice: use built-in metrics if possible before creating custom metrics


  • Cloud Monitoring API
  • Export to BigQuery or external tools via Service Account authentication, e.g. Grafana

Uptime Checks

  • HTTP GET/POST to application—requires FQDN
  • Looks for successful response
  • Can check for expired SSL certificates
  • Alerts—email, SMS, Slack, PagerDuty, Pub/Sub

Graph View