
  • Problem statement: training and deploying ML models is time-consuming
  • No-code solution
  • Allows fast prototyping, or exploration of new datasets before investing in development
  • Supports: tabular data, images, video, text
  • Solves different types of problems (objectives)
  • Upload data from Cloud Storage, BigQuery or local storage

Model Options


  • Classification—list of categories
  • Object detection—labels and bounding boxes


  • Classification—list of categories
  • Regression—returns numeric values
  • Forecasting—time-dependent, predict series of numeric values in the future


  • Classification—list of categories
  • Entity extraction—extract and label known entities
  • Sentiment analysis—identify emotional opinion


  • Classification—list of categorized shots and segments
  • Object tracking—list of shots and segments where objects are detected
  • Action recognition—list of categorized actions with moments they happened

Key Technologies

  • Transfer learning
    • Uses a small dataset alongside model pretrained on a large, similar dataset
  • Neural architecture search
    • Trains and evaluates multiple models, compares, and chooses best one

Graph View